
Dear visitors, here we inform you about news about our project, offer and services.

We are pleased about your interest.



We were able to hand over the donation of the two manual respirators, Ambu bags, to the head nurses of the local hospitals. The registered nurses will provide the training together with the doctors.

In general, the maintenance of medical equipment in the provincial hospitals is a major challenge due to the lack of trained medical technicians and available replacement parts.


Matron Sister Elsen, Catholic Hospital Andara


Matron Sister Louly, Catholic Hospital Nyangana


Well-intentioned donations can no longer be used because there are no trained people to maintain the equipment.



I was able to fulfill the Catholic Hospital Nyangana's wish for infusion pumps thanks to the donation from the SRO Langenthal hospital. Sister Louly, the head of the hospital, organized a training course for the staff who will be working with the infusion pumps. The nurses were delighted to finally have an infusion pump, which makes their work much easier when administering infusions. 

The second training session was attended by two selected nurses, who were able to learn how to use it better and pass on their knowledge to the others later on.



To diagnose lung diseases, the company ndd Medizinaltechnik AG donated an easyOne Air spirometer. Here, too, I was able to train the two nurses in performing and assessing lung function. The hygienic preparation of the flow tubes, as well as the instruction of the correct inhalation technique and posture to facilitate breathing were integrated into the training.

We are in contact via social media to ensure the sustainability of the aid provided.

The offer to work at Nyangana Hospital during my next stay and to conduct training courses on various topics fills me with great gratitude and anticipation.


Today I received this video about the living conditions of many people in Namibia. Not only in Namibia many people in our world live in greatest poverty.

In the hope to find a better life and a paid job they migrate to the big cities or abroad. Without relations they end up in the townships and live an inhumane existence. The pressure of their families, who put great hopes in them without knowing what hard living conditions their sons and daughters have to go through, puts an additional burden on the "emigrants".

Our project wants to give the people in the region a positive perspective on their lives by paying them a small wage for their work. We want to encourage them to stay in the village and take their responsibility towards their parents, partners and children where they are at home, where they feel safe and useful.

With the financial support of people like YOU who are reading this post, we can help the people around our project to make a living independently and with value.

Let's make a difference for these people together, thank you!



Already once we could support the NGO organization Mukwe Orphans and Vulnerable Children Support Services in Kavango East for training purposes.

At the end of the year, thanks to a private donation, we were able to hand over 2 laptops to the organization so that it can better carry out its administrative work.

The organization takes care of orphans who are often left on their own and cannot count on the support of their relatives. Therefore, we also gave them a suitcase full of children's clothes.



November 12

Our project is widely known, so we are often called when someone needs help. This morning we were asked to bring a mother with many children to safety from her violent father. 




Halfway through the trip, the overloaded pickup got stuck. The solution was to find another car. While Costody ran home and organized our car, as well as some food for the family from home, the family waited for more help to finally reach safety. Late in the evening, already in complete darkness, the parents were able to embrace their daughter and her children. 

"The parents of the people I took yesterday called me bright and early today to thank me. They really couldn't believe they came home. They are really happy and grateful. It's a miracle for them to came home."






October 20

Our project goal is mainly to create jobs in the region, so that the young adults have a future perspective in their area. The migration to the big cities is enormous and in many villages the old people stay behind with the many children of their family members and wait for the financial support of those who have moved away.

However, life is not easy on either side. The old people are overburdened with the upbringing of the grandchildren, nephews and nieces, and can hardly feed themselves and the children, let alone offer them an education. The children are forced into the hard daily work to do the daily chores. They do not have time to play, they are not sent to school because the way is often too long and they cannot manage it on their own. 

Their parents live in the big city, often isolated in the townships, and try to survive with odd jobs. The expectations on them are great, because at home parents, children and other family members hope for their success and expect support.

I asked two young people to tell me about their daily lives and life in the townships. Ysaehi sent me his video. I am happy to share it with you.

August 24

Our presentation about the progress of our project in Namibia was met with interest. Besides the experiences of the project work and the joy it brings, I was able to introduce Costody Malasa to the audience. He leads the project Dipupo and could be asked directly about the work. It was a great experience for both of us to give this presentation together and to answer questions about it.




Announcement: Lecture August 24, 2022


I would like to tell you about the 2 years of project work, on August 24, 2022 in the Kafiträff Aarwangen. What challenges we had to face and how much passion and joy this work means to us.


December 16

Surprisingly, we received a visit from our regional councilor Damian Maghambayi, who took a look at our project and thanked us for providing access to clean drinking water to neighboring villages.

What we did not know during his visit was that he nominated us for the Mukwe Constituency Council Award.

Costody was invited to a meeting on economic and population development in Mukwe district the next day, and it was only there that he learned of the award we would receive for our project. We had not expected this, but we are very proud of the recognition of our work and the achievements we have made so far.

The award spurs us on to achieve our goals together with the residents of the neighboring settlements.


Kindergarten Dipupo

We continue to work with joy on the implementation of our project for self-help. Together we want to achieve our goals. You are invited to actively participate in your future and thus pave the way for your children. Take responsibility for the education of your children, invest with the school fees in their future. Education enables your children to lead a self-determined, independent life.




Dipupo Investments CC Andara - Welding


Dear customers, in order to optimize our service, we could start the construction of the planned workshop for our welding shop in Andara. 







We are looking forward to welcoming you there soon and presenting our work to you personally.

Truck transport service





We are pleased to offer you our new truck rental service. We transport your goods at fair prices. 

Give us a call!

